Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 3 World Changer Reality Boot Camp and My Power Mall

Went to sleep at 2am, up at 7:30am with my baby girl....I felt energized for the day until I looked outside at the winter storm, about 8 inches of snow had fallen last night on the ground. Oh my, how will I go out today with the baby girls on a day like this? I can barely see my driveway. Time will tell today!


The weather report says this is not stopping today, the roads are treacherous, winter warning for today, driving is not recommended. I will stay safe and try to get creative while I am home..hmmm


1 comment:

Ginny Dye said...

Woman, I am SO proud of you! Your day was a picture of perseverance AND you ended up contacting so many more people than 5. Even though they didn't give you their information I know you made an impact and they'll go home and wonder about what that "crazy lady" was talking about and visit the website. :) You're doing a GREAT job!